
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Back To The Madness

Back To The Madness


Aluminum wings, lifting us clear across the world, up and around the curve of the earth, routing us over Alaska’s wild frontier and the freezing coasts of Russia. Arctic sky surrounding us, only the frame of a 777 plane that separates us from the icicle air. 30,000 feet above grass and dirt and mountains and rivers, with clouds dispersed amongst the sun’s widespread rays and blue-tinted skies. These wings, so broad and wide... How do these two arms bring us to the other side of the planet and back again?


We traveled 40 hours to Minnesota, with a 10 hour layover in Hong Kong, red eyes and dryly-patched skin. Kathmandu to Minneapolis... Dusty chaos to wintered-barren trees and cold, refreshing breath. We attended my beloved Grandma’s Memorial. It wasn’t a funeral, it was a celebration of life. She lived until she was 101 years old. My Mom selflessly and honorably cared for her mother until the very end. I miss my Grandma’s voice and smile and touch and warmth. But, I know she lives on. She always will.


And here we go again...


Wake up at 3:30 AM, 4 AM Jeremy pumps gas at an empty gas station and randomly breaks into a Rocky impression in the parking lot, punching the air and making me laugh. Board our flight to Dallas. Make our connection. Then, a 16.5 hour flight to Hong Kong. Sprint through the airport like mad men and still miss our next flight by barely a minute, literally. Go to an agent, get re-routed to Chengdu, China. Arrive at 10:30 PM and the next flight does not take off until 8:45... IN THE MORNING. No where to go. Eat $3 noodles. We try to rest on stiff, bullshit chairs. Finally board flight to Kathmandu. Fly over the Himalayas. An ocean of mountains. See Mount Everest even closer than the time before. Land in Kathmandu. Apply for visas again. Buy plane tickets to Pokhara for tomorrow. Grab a taxi. Zig zag through untamed traffic. Make it to Thamel. Grab Everest beers and check into a hotel. Back at the airport tomorrow. Back to the madness…


I’m happy to be back in the madness.


We awoke in Kathmandu today, after a solid night’s rest, roamed the neighborhood and visited the Garden of Dreams. The distinct rhythm in the air and on the streets of Nepal felt invitingly familiar this time around. We boarded an 18 seater plane this afternoon and will begin our 12 day trek through the Himalayas in a few days. We are going to be trekking to Annapurna Base Camp, staying at tea houses along the way, sleeping in sleeping bags and under flickering stars, breathing mountain air, and eating Nepalese food. We will be amongst the highest mountain range in the world and feeling as though we’re on top of the world.


And we will be. On the very top of the world.



Annapurna Base Camp Trek, Part One

Annapurna Base Camp Trek, Part One

It Isn't Always Pretty

It Isn't Always Pretty